Health Anxiety
Health Anxiety Worrying about your health can be a horrible experience, especially when you’ve been back and fore the doctor trying to find out what’s wrong with you, to no avail. Eventually your doctor gets fed up, and unfortunately you can end up with the horrible label of hypochondriac, which means you are excessively worried […]
Impostor Syndrome: The Silent Struggle
What is It? The idea was first researched in 1978 by two psychologists Dr Pauline R Clance and Dr Suzanne A Imes.  Based on their research they found it to be more common in women.  More recent research has found it to be equally spread between the sexes; up to 70% of us will feel […]
My Personal Experience of counselling for anxiety and depression
The Day Before My First Session I remember vividly, the day before my first ever counselling session, I almost cancelled. The uncertainty and fear of opening up about my deepest concerns to a stranger was overwhelming. But, I’m so glad I didn’t give in to my apprehension. I won’t pretend it was all plain sailing. […]
Online, telephone or face to face counselling?
In 2020 during the first wave of the pandemic I was in the last few months of four years of study and looking forward to finishing my Counselling Diploma and qualifying. Then the unbelievable happened; overnight we were not allowed to leave our homes and me and many others in education wondered how on earth […]

© Mary Watkins

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